World Water Day is March 22, 2008
March 21, 2008

Did you know that the average African family uses about five gallons of water per day? The average American individual uses approximately 100-176 gallons per day. (Statistics are according to U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet "Water Q&A: Water Use at Home" and the World Resources Institute, 1998-99 and 1996-97. "A Guide to the Global Environment.)March 22 is World Water Day. The U.N. General Assembly dedicated this day in 1992 to raising awareness of the lack of clean, safe drinking water around the world. Events are planned in several countries. In the United States, 69 cities officially recognize World Water Day. For a list of events near you, visit this link at, the site for Water Partners International, encourages your involvement through Participation, Donation and/or Education. I humbly recommend that we to do all three; but additionally, we can use the raised consciousness of World Water Day to make deliberate decisions with regard to our personal consumption.'Water' is Mountainfilm's theme for the 2008 festival. This presents a focused opportunity to learn, discuss and evaluate the state of this precious resource. Mountainfilm will welcome notable authorities on water at the Moving Mountains Symposium, on May 23, 2008.Posted by Brook Sutton