Participants of Mountainfilm 2015, We Thank You
Dear friends,
Epic climbing films, adventurous cowboys, a futuristic Tesla, wry cartoons, Afghan photojournalists and a dark sky above Telluride — Mountainfilm 2015 was an unforgettable weekend filled with inspiring stories, indelible characters and thought-provoking conversations.
The entire Mountainfilm staff would like to extend a warm thank you to the Telluride community: We couldn’t do it without your support.
Thank you to the Town of Telluride and every business and resident who turned off your lights for our first-ever Dark Sky event, which drew a crowd of about 80 brave souls into the cold, clear night to see a more unadulterated view of the stars above the box canyon.
Thank you to all of our generous sponsors, donors and board; to the businesses, individuals and organizations who generously offered their spaces for our events; to the vendors who fed, clothed and housed our guests and far-flung visitors; to our nonprofit partner dZi Foundation for their terrific work and participation in the festival and to all of the wonderful volunteers who pour their time and energy into helping make Mountainfilm happen. It takes the work of many individuals to create an event this size, and we’re lucky to have such diligent, competent and hard-working people on our team.
And finally, thank you to each and every audience member who saw films, attended the symposium, took in the art exhibits and showed up early for Coffee Talks. (And to the hardy movie watchers who stayed through Adrenaline!) It’s your enthusiasm, passion and spirit that fuels Moutainfilm year after year.
We’re a growing festival, and managing success isn’t always easy. That said, we strive to build a system where as few people as possible are turned away from films, and we will work hard in the coming year to improve upon that challenging task.
The weather didn’t cooperate, but it seemed nothing could dampen the spirit of our amazing audience, supporters and guests.
Thanks again to the best community we could ask for.
–Mountainfilm staff