A Wake Up Call For Humanity

"We need a new vision for biological diversity for a healthy planet and a sustainable future for humankind," -Secretary-General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon.
The Convention on Biological Diversity and the United Nations Environment Program released a report this week that takes an in-depth look on how biodiversity is changing around the world. The Global Biodiversity Outlook paints a grim picture, highlighting the severe issues of ecosystems around the world, including the effects of climate change and deforestation on the Amazon rainforest, the impact of overfishing on coral reefs and the threat to global waters on account of ocean acidification.Ban Ki-Moon is calling on governments to consider biodiversity when taking action. The benefits of doing so are broad. The report notes that investing in policies that end biodiversity loss ultimately will help combat poverty and hunger, while also improving human health, security and wealth for future generations.The report is "a wake-up call for humanity," said Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Ahmed Djoghlaf.Want to take action? The Center for Biological Diversity does extensive work to protect endangered species and always needs help on promoting their latest actions. Visit their website for more info on taking part.Photo: Luzabass